Concept 1: Youtube + Facebook
Concept 2: Quora + Stackoverflow
Concept 3: Messenger + Whatsapp
Champion conception
1. Multimedia allowed: segmentation of videos and limit on the size of the videos being uploaded
2. Automatic Video summarization for quick summaries or segmentation of the long videos
3. Channels for each domain and hashtags in each channel for quick searching
4. In case tags are missing in some uploaded videos, automatic tagging using Keyword recognition in the videos
5. Own profile pages where the content one has posted in the channels or his/her comments are visible. Posting onto
one's own pages instead of channels, not allowed to avoid degrade in quality and spam.
6. Each channel can be divided into 2 tracks: content sharing and discussion forum with question threads.
7. Incentive points for posting some content or answering something on the thread and getting upvotes for the same.
8. Connecting on a one-to-one basis is also allowed by following a person in a channel and then pinging him/her on his
profile page. Incentive points apply here too if you are the provider of the information.
9. By collaborating with the needed companies or NGOs, we can provide discounts on groceries or other goods in
exchange of the incentive points, thus helping them financially meanwhile promoting the NGO or the company.